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Kanalizazioen estrusio lerroen seriea

Hasiera>Produktuak>Kanalizazioen estrusio lerroen seriea

JWELL Biaxial Orientatutako Polibinil Kloruroa (PVC-O) Hodiak Estrusio-makina

The production line is mainly used for production of polyvinyl chloride bidirectional stretch (PVC-O) water supply pipe (CJ/T445-2014) or electrical wire sheath pipe, used extruded UPVC pipe which extend the axial and radial direction, making the PVC molecular chain is arranged regularly, thus obtaining excellent mechanical (strength, toughness, resistance to fatigue, shock resistance, etc.)


The production line is mainly used for production of polyvinyl chloride bidirectional stretch (PVC-O) water supply pipe (CJ/T445-2014) or electrical wire sheath pipe, used extruded UPVC pipe which extend the axial and radial direction, making the PVC molecular chain is arranged regularly, thus obtaining excellent mechanical (strength, toughness, resistance to fatigue, shock resistance, etc.)


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